Category: manual

Manual: El Nombre de las Plantas by Lena Struwe (Spanish translation of ‘The Naming of Plants’)

Carmen Acedo at University of León, in León, Spain, has gracefully translated the manual The Naming of Plants into Spanish.  We are making it available as a free…

Manual: Making a plant press with what you’ve got, by Tobias Policha

Introduction to the manual Preparing a Press for a Plant Collection Assignment in a Remote Field Botany Course by Tobias Policha: Many of us include a collections assignment…

Presentation: How to photograph plants (and more), by Lena Struwe and Peter Nitzsche

So much of documentation of biodiversity and educational projects today include digital images, but how do you take good photos of plants and features associated with plants (such…

Handouts: Weedy Plant Information (toxicity, recipes, field identification), from Lena Struwe’s lab

Lena Struwe’s lab group at Rutgers University has developed several resources about common weeds of northeastern North America and these are shared with the public here.  They were…

Activity: Street Trees Photolog and Ecosystem Service Calculations, by Amy Berkov

In this activity college students go outside and find ten street trees near their home or school, photograph them, identify them to species, and map them on a…

Activity and Manual: How to take good and bad photos of plants for online plant identification, by Lena Struwe

This is an assignment I use in my Plant Diversity and Evolution class the week before they start their iNaturalist project.   The students learn how to take great…

Online course: Intro to Alaska Flora, by Stefanie Ickert-Bond

The online college class Intro to Alaska Flora from University of Alaska Fairbanks includes fantastic components developed by botany professor Stefanie Ickert-Bond. These online resources are available for…

Activity: iNaturalist Species Bingo, by Lena Struwe

This activity uses the citizen science tool iNaturalist for a project for high school and college students that focus on species discovery and identification.  Observations are uploaded to…

Handout: The etymology of the word ‘herbarium’, by Kanchi Gandhi

How did the word ‘herbarium’ come to be?  It actually has ancient roots in the deep history of Indo-European languages, and its origin and formation in Latin is…

Manual: The Naming of Plants – explanations and examples, by Lena Struwe

Looking for a non-technical beginners and intermediate users manual in plant nomenclature that explains scientific names, common names, cultivated and trade names, and what changes in plant classifications…

Manual: 50 most common families in temperate regions, by Lena Struwe

The manual Field identification of the 50 most common plant families in temperate regions by Lena Struwe is available for download below.  (color pdf with images, 60 pages,…