Tag: common names

Videos: Plant Systematics lectures by Bruce Kirchoff

Here is a list of recorded lectures on Plant Systematics by Bruce Kirchoff, professor at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA, and used in his course…

Manual: El Nombre de las Plantas by Lena Struwe (Spanish translation of ‘The Naming of Plants’)

Carmen Acedo at University of León, in León, Spain, has gracefully translated the manual The Naming of Plants into Spanish.  We are making it available as a free…

Videos: Botany topics by Timothy Evans (Dangerous Botany and more)

Here is a list of Timothy Evans’ videos on Youtube, suitable for botany classes. They are filmed in temperate North America (Michigan, USA) and feature local plants. Dangerous…

Activity: Street Trees Photolog and Ecosystem Service Calculations, by Amy Berkov

In this activity college students go outside and find ten street trees near their home or school, photograph them, identify them to species, and map them on a…

Activity: Botanical Home Products, by Amy Berkov

What kind of and how much botanical diversity can you find in the products in a a home, or just in a bathroom,  freezer, fridge, or pantry?  Go…

Manual: The Naming of Plants – explanations and examples, by Lena Struwe

Looking for a non-technical beginners and intermediate users manual in plant nomenclature that explains scientific names, common names, cultivated and trade names, and what changes in plant classifications…