Tag: food

Activity: Botanical Home Products, by Amy Berkov

What kind of and how much botanical diversity can you find in the products in a a home, or just in a bathroom,  freezer, fridge, or pantry?  Go…

Activity: Timeline of Evolution of Food, Agriculture, and Cooking, by Lena Struwe

UPDATE:  Unfortunately TimeGlider was bought, then the new owner decided to shut the website down in Dec 2020.  I have a CSV of the downloaded data, but there…

Article: Eat Your Weeds – Edible and Wild Plants in Education, by Lauren Frazee et al.

Weeds are everywhere and people like to taste new things, so why not combine the two?  Here is an article that explains how we did it at Rutgers…

Activity and Article: Market Botany, by Chris Martine

College-level course module exploring the diversity of plant species available for sale at a local grocery store. Survey data are analyzed by calculating measures of species richness and…